About Me

We moved out to Portugal to live a frugal but better , simpler and peaceful life, our house is a very basic, semi ruin, up in the hills outside Figueiro Dos Vinhos, where we work our land, enjoy life with each other and our dogs, and hope to make the smallest carbon footprint we can,

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Well , it must be a month or so since I actually had time to sit down and update this blog, welcome to our new 'followers' and thanks for being with us.
So, Dad is much better, he actually flys back to the UK in the morning, in my opinion he is still a little premature and should stay and rest longer but as the weather here hasnt been great, it may well do him good to get back to 'civilisation' and things like central heating and television. Mind you, he did admit to me yesterday that he hasnt missed the 'gogglebox' like he though he would.... See.... you really dont need it !!
The weather here has been hmmmm a tad on the wet side.... add to that such freezing temps last week that I fear for our lovely old lemon tree, its looking dreadful, snow showers again this morning, plus hail.... its lucky we have a good wood supply, but even we are running short, Rik went and chopped a huge stack this morning but its soaking wet and we have it piled around 'Big Bertha' upstairs trying madly to dry it before we need to burn it.
With Dad leaving in the morning it will take some strain off Rik, he's been running around like a looney trying to haul enough logs to feed three fires.... As of tomorrow its back to one at a time at least...
Today I had EDP come to put us back on a lower potencia and to remove the 'cheap rate' electric meter, as our bills have been higher using that... It may well be cheaper for people who have loads of gadgets and stuff on during the night when you get a cheaper rate, but we only have the freezer now and the higher standing charge far outweighed the cheaper times....
So I'll at least be able to try to monitor what uses what.... we only have six low energy bulbs plus a freezer now... two loads of washing in the machine a week.... I'll be able to spot a problem or missbilling straight away...
Time out