About Me

We moved out to Portugal to live a frugal but better , simpler and peaceful life, our house is a very basic, semi ruin, up in the hills outside Figueiro Dos Vinhos, where we work our land, enjoy life with each other and our dogs, and hope to make the smallest carbon footprint we can,

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Well the rain continues, not so bad though as its just a gentle misty rain today, pretty mild though, not sure of the temps but much warmer than yesterday...
As the outlook for the next quite a few days doesnt look any better, we are going to go ahead and try to get our new fruit trees in the ground, we've had to revise the plan of where they will be placed, but at least they'll be in and have a better chance of survival. I wanted to get some more cabbage in too but theres no chance at the moment as the ground needs turning and its just too wet to even try....
So apart from buying new waterproofs (we've had ours since arrival in PT) there is nothing to report on really, we are both very active people and this weather is keeping us indoors and making us twitchy.. hehehe we were both pacing up and down the kitchen yesterday looking for something to do...
But we've sat down and discussed it now sensible, the weather isnt going to change any time soon, so we just have to get on with anything we can, if that means working outside in the rain, then so be it. We have a warm fire and hot bath to come back to if we feel chilled, so whats the problem???
We are trying to do things around the house that doesnt actually cost anything, as money though a bit better lately is always going to be tight for us during winter, we dont like spending anything we dont have to. Particuarly on building materials...
I dont mid this time of year too much, it gives me plenty of time to spend with Rik just relaxing, during our busy spring and summer periods when we have guests, Im working on the land cooking, housework, ect although we are both home, we dont actually see much of each other apart from mealtimes. Now we can sit by the fire and relax, we do crossword puzzles and play scrabble in the evenings, and just generally have a laugh and toast our toes ... it recharges the batteries for the busy spring to come. Especially this year as if 'The Job' actually happens I'll be coping with the food production on my own most of the time. No news on the job, thats not unusual though as things like this involving local government and outside agencies tend to get bogged down in redtape , and as normal move like 'a ton of bricks in the wind' as my old dad says....
For all those who have asked. He's fine, not able to travel at the moment, due to some medication for a blod clot, but he's not too bad, and seems to be making progress, we hope he'll make it again in the autumn. Ive asked him to think about making a permant move but he's not too keen.... I hope to change his mind soon... at least to spend the winter here, Ireland is so cold and damp it gets in his bones...
Well thats about it for now.