About Me

We moved out to Portugal to live a frugal but better , simpler and peaceful life, our house is a very basic, semi ruin, up in the hills outside Figueiro Dos Vinhos, where we work our land, enjoy life with each other and our dogs, and hope to make the smallest carbon footprint we can,

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

This 'n' that

Hi, sorry its so long since I updated this blog, I suppse really its been a mixture of us being busy, and me getting a little down and not coming into town etc etc...
So. Whats been happening, well, we've had the last of our helpers for the time being, Jim worked reasonably well, and did quite a bit of the things we had planned, but I know that we were not the most jolly of hosts for some of his stay but we did find him a tad hard going. He wasnt as relaxed as the girls we'd had, nor as consiencious, or as sociable... he made a great start on the log barn though and for that Im very grateful, but I think we'll maybe stick to girls ...
He certainly ate more than his weight in food...
The veggies are doing well, ... most of them, Ive come around to the idea that this year, the beetroot just isnt gonna happen... why, I dont know... its just very poor... the butterntu squash is slow and not so many this time as well. We will have some, but not the 141 we had last year!
But.... the spuds are excellent, we still have three sacks left, the beans are the biggest crop we've ever had... Im picking kilos a day.. the tomatoes are just coming and are lovely , there will be tons, same with Aubergines... Im waiting on peepers, big plants, but not many peppers yet... the corn is almost ready... the jerusalem artychokes are reaching for the sky... we have cabbage coming out of our ears... and rows of carrots that wont be long... tons of herbs too!!

So although some poor results... a lot of good stuff too...

So, to the big news of the week... two lots...
My dad has been sick again, so I am looking to go to Ireland in the near future for a visit...
We have a new puppy....
I know we said we wouldnt... and to be truthful we didnt really want to at all... but our lovely Bonnie was so unhappy, we tried to wait and hope it would pass but she seemed to get worse... so our vet Dr Paulo gave us a present... he knew we wanted a big dog... and this is certainly going to be big... I mean HUGE....
She's a Newfoundland http://www.google.pt/search?hl=pt-PT&q=newfoundland+dog&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=Newfoundland&gs_rfai=crossed with a http://www.google.pt/search?hl=pt-PT&source=hp&q=rafeiro+alentejano&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=Rafeiro&gs_rfai=

I hope those links work out.
She's 6 weeks old, and called Beeza...