One of the things I really love is bacon, the Portuguese bacon is delicious... but for me with our limited budget, far too expensive to even think about buying, generally about 7-9 euros a kilo, but it is so good! Smoked and tasty with none of that horrible slimy white gunk that comes out of English/uk type bacon whenever you start to cook it... the stuff they put in that meat is disgusting... and I'd never want to eat it...
So having said all that, Ive been looking at ways to 'do it myself'... No, I really dont want to kill and butcher a pig... but the sheets of belly pork that is generally used for making bacon , I can buy very cheaply...
Ive found an excellent recipe on another site that seems to be working well, Ive had some curing now for almost two weeks. Hopefully after the weekend it should be about ready for eating...
Ive taken a picture and will take a couple more and then once Im happy with it... I'll post it on here and let you all know the results...
If it has worked, I'll have a large chunk of bacon ready for slicing, that will have cost me under two euros the lot...