About Me

We moved out to Portugal to live a frugal but better , simpler and peaceful life, our house is a very basic, semi ruin, up in the hills outside Figueiro Dos Vinhos, where we work our land, enjoy life with each other and our dogs, and hope to make the smallest carbon footprint we can,

Thursday, 23 September 2010

My all purpose winter herbal remedy.

I mentioned in another post about the herbal remedy I make for Rik for the winter . He suffers badly from Sinisitis, and what he calls a 'claggy' chest. He seems to have a slight allergy to wooddust/sawdust type of stuff which sets it off too especially if we have been doing a ot of logging, as we are at the moment.
I make him a big mug full at least three times a day and it really helps clear his tubes.
The ingredients are as follows. -you'll have to ajust the amounts to your own cup size and tastes...

Dried lemon verbena - wonderful for nasal congestion and smells & tastes lovely.
Dried Mullein - for bronchial tubes.. plus mild pain relief for the pain he gets in his face and head.
Dried Lavender heads (2/3) to ease congestion and for headache.
A nice fat slice of fresh ginger, pounded with the pestle &mortar till flat and soft.( for inflamation )
A teaspoon of clear runny honey to taste.

### Last thing at night if he's bad, I'll add a good dash of Tilia (Linden Lime flowers) as they have a wonderful sedative effect and help him get off to sleep. (Great anti-spasmodic stomach brew too) ####

Leave at least ten mins to brew, and dont drink coffee within half an hour of each brew, before or after...
Coffee and strong tastes and smells can affect the natural remedies adversely...